Udemy audacity
Udemy audacity

If I could have any confidence that the downloading and installing another library or purchasing a different editing software or acquiring another, better microphone would be the final iteration and that I could then return my attention to course content development I'd do it.

udemy audacity

Since then I've been struggling with the endless cycle of buying equipment, overcoming their related and undocumented technical issues leading to having to develop unexpected skill sets which in turn started the equipment / software acquisition cycle all over again. I started developing this course over a year ago and had the structure and content blocked out and the drafts written by last April. Nor come across as unappreciative when I share my frustration that I now decided that will never get this course launched if I don't just go with what I've got.

udemy audacity

and I truly appreciate your valuable responses.I don't want to whine. I guess I am at a bit of a crossroads here.

Udemy audacity